Компания w motors из дубая показала вездеход для полицейского спецназа

В двадцать втором на выставке Expo-2020 в Дубае состоялась премьера полицейского внедорожника Ghiath Smart Patrol от компании W Motors, которая в первую

Advanced camera surveillance

“The Ghiath cars have 10 external cameras whereas other patrol vehicles have eight,” he added.

“With more cameras, it’s able to do more processing when it comes to AI. You can, for example, in future, add more AI algorithms to it. When you have more cameras, you can collect more data. That’s an advantage of these vehicles.”

Another feature that is special to Ghiath is the presence of multiple camera screens on the right side of the dashboard. The screen displays alerts when it spots “wanted” licence plates.

The vehicles also have a 360-degree camera on the roof with pan, tilt and zoom capabilities, said Mr Zainal as he zoomed into a nearby building, magnifying it 30 times.

The central screen gives officers access to different software including one for finding the owner of a vehicle from the licence plate captured by Ghiath’s cameras.

“We can read the licence plate of the vehicle and if the plate is wanted, the information is sent to the operations room and the officer in the car is also notified,” said Mr Zainal.

“However, this function is used when the patrol car is stationary. It’s not used when it’s moving so that the driver is not distracted.”

In addition, there are two internal cameras which capture video inside the car cabin.

One of the cameras monitors driver behaviour.

“If he’s tired, if he’s not paying attention or if his hand is not, for example, on the steering wheel or if he’s being distracted, the camera alerts him.”

A drone storage box in the boot. Nilanjana Gupta / The National

Drone on board

Ghiath smart patrol features a compartment in the boot to store rescue and safety equipment, and a custom-built drone box with an advanced drone, which can fly for up to 30 minutes. The drone, which is equipped with a thermal camera and a daylight camera, can send live feed to the main command and control room.

With the drone comes a lot of training, explained Mr Zainal.

“The officer is trained on how to use the drone based on the incident. If it’s a traffic incident, the drone is used in a certain manner. If it’s a rescue mission, the drone is used in another manner as you have three different payloads.”

The officers also receive training which allows them to respond to the maximum number of incidents.

“They’re trained to be first responders. They’re trained on using the first aid kit. They’re also trained on using the system,” said Mr Zainal.

“This is how the officer that drives this vehicle is unique.”

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