2012 chevrolet tru 140s concept


We Like The Tru 140S Because It Features Advanced Technologies

via Chevy 

One of the things that makes this concept car from Chevrolet stand out is that, unlike many inexpensive vehicles, the automaker decided to make it as modern as possible regarding technology. We don’t know if this will carry over to the car’s interior as they are still working out what that will look like, but the mechanics are equal to many higher-end rides. For one, it has stop and start technology, according to Chevy. For those not in the know, stop and start technology shuts down the car when it stops. However, drivers simply accelerate to start the car back up and go. This technology saves fuel and cuts down on environmental emissions.

This concept car also sports a direct injection engine. As the name suggests, fuel is injected directly into the combustion chamber with this engine. This option is a much more fuel-efficient engine. As for fuel economy, the automaker has stated that the car can get up to 40 miles to the gallon on the highway. Besides these mechanical decisions to make the Tru 140S fuel efficient, the automaker has confirmed that the car has Wi-Fi and smartphone integration.

2012 Chevrolet Unveils Daring Concepts: Code 130R and TRU 140S

During the 2012 North American International Auto Show, Chevrolet unveiled two concept coupes: Code 130R and TRU 140S. The idea behind these two designs was not only to exhibit Chevrolet’s technological and aesthetic prowess, but to also invite a new generation of drivers into the car-creation conversation.

Targeting the Next-Generation Buyers

According to Chevrolet’s insight, there exists a large, untapped demographic of American consumers, nearing their 30s, who collectively hold significant buying power. This generation, representing 40 percent of potential car buyers, was directly consulted in the development of these two concept cars. The intention was to align the design, functionality, and aesthetics of these models to the preferences expressed by this burgeoning demographic.

Code 130R: A Nod to Heritage with an Eye on the Future

The first of the two, the Code 130R, is a four-seat coupe that speaks to the future while not forgetting Chevrolet’s past. Dressed in a fresh red metallic paint and boasting matte anodized gold wheels, the Code 130R communicates an assertive style, reminiscent of Chevrolet’s performance heritage. This car’s design, however, does not stop at aesthetics. It pairs a turbocharged engine with eAssist technology, a combination that balances performance and fuel economy, thereby pushing the envelope of automotive electrification.

Tru 140S: Affordable Exoticism and Electrification

The second concept, the Tru 140S, is another four-seater, yet this one is a front-wheel-drive sporty coupe. Described as an «affordable exotic,» this three-door hatchback, clothed in a matte white finish and Chrome wheels adorned with crossflag emblems, exudes an image that is as confident and fast as it is high-end. The Tru 140S, which shares a platform with the Chevrolet Cruze and the Chevrolet Volt, introduces technology typically found in more premium cars, merging the best of combustion and electrification to deliver a blend of value and improved fuel efficiency.

Shared Attributes and Value Proposition

Both concept vehicles, despite their unique appeals, share common features that Chevrolet found resonate with younger buyers. This includes sedan-sized functionality in a performance coupe form, interior connectivity featuring WiFi and smartphone integration through Chevrolet MyLink, heads-up display, and a promise of 40 MPG from a 1.4L Turbo Ecotec engine, delivering approximately 150 horsepower. With a potential production price in the low $20,000s, these features bring high value for the younger demographic.

Interior Design and Personalization

Not to be left behind, the interiors of both concepts emphasize personalization and connectivity, reflecting the younger generation’s demand for vehicles that can become extensions of their digital lives. From integrating personal devices via MyLink and WiFi to a 2D interior design that encourages ongoing conversation, these concept vehicles are designed to be individualized docking stations on wheels.

Final Thoughts

With the unveiling of these concept vehicles, Chevrolet takes an innovative step towards engaging a new generation of buyers. The company is keen to use feedback from this demographic, not just in refining these concepts, but potentially influencing future production models. The Code 130R and TRU 140S show Chevrolet’s willingness to adapt and collaborate with its customers, thereby potentially paving the way for a new era in automotive design and consumer engagement.


The Chevrolet Tru 140S Is The Car For Young People

via Chevy

In designing this concept car, Chevrolet researched the needs of younger buyers. They found they wanted a sporty ride that could save them money. The Chevy Tru 140S is that car, and the automaker designed it without skimping out on the best features. While not a great deal is known about the car’s interior or if it will even make it to market, this ride has generated great excitement from people worldwide. It’s a fast little car that doesn’t look boring like many other budget cars. As for price, the vehicle is expected to sell for around $20,000. However, this price was mentioned a decade ago, which means if ever produced, this may change.

Though not often called one of the most exciting American automakers, Chevy is one of the most stable and offers a wide variety of cars. As a company, it understands that not everyone can afford expensive cars and that there is a need to design awesome vehicles with lower price tags. The Chevy Tru 140S is that car, and we hope to see them cruising down the street one day.

We Like That The Chevy Tru 140S Delivers Efficient Performance

via Chevy

One of the biggest concerns people throughout the auto world have is how to design efficient, fun cars. There are more options than ever, but automakers are still experimenting, which is why concept cars like the Tru 140S hold so much substance. According to Chevy, the Tru 140S has a 1.4-liter Ecotech turbocharged inline-4 engine under its hood. The car has a compression ratio of 9.5:1. The maximum output is 150 horsepower, and the torque is 148 lb-ft at 6,500 rpm.

The Chevrolet Tru 140S has two transmission options. One is a 6-speed manual, and the other is a 6-speed automatic. As this is a concept car, there is no official word on the acceleration times. However, it is generally believed to achieve the 0 to 60 miles per hour feat in under 6 seconds, and the top speed is said to be around 100 miles per hour. While the alleged top speed isn’t the highest, Chevy seems to put performance at the top of its list for the Tru 140S. Of course, there are faster cars on the market already, but this car seems like it could be awesome if it ever makes it to the market.

2012 Chevrolet Unveils Daring Concepts: Code 130R and TRU 140S

During the 2012 North American International Auto Show, Chevrolet unveiled two concept coupes: Code 130R and TRU 140S. The idea behind these two designs was not only to exhibit Chevrolet’s technological and aesthetic prowess, but to also invite a new generation of drivers into the car-creation conversation.

Targeting the Next-Generation Buyers

According to Chevrolet’s insight, there exists a large, untapped demographic of American consumers, nearing their 30s, who collectively hold significant buying power. This generation, representing 40 percent of potential car buyers, was directly consulted in the development of these two concept cars. The intention was to align the design, functionality, and aesthetics of these models to the preferences expressed by this burgeoning demographic.

Code 130R: A Nod to Heritage with an Eye on the Future

The first of the two, the Code 130R, is a four-seat coupe that speaks to the future while not forgetting Chevrolet’s past. Dressed in a fresh red metallic paint and boasting matte anodized gold wheels, the Code 130R communicates an assertive style, reminiscent of Chevrolet’s performance heritage. This car’s design, however, does not stop at aesthetics. It pairs a turbocharged engine with eAssist technology, a combination that balances performance and fuel economy, thereby pushing the envelope of automotive electrification.

Tru 140S: Affordable Exoticism and Electrification

The second concept, the Tru 140S, is another four-seater, yet this one is a front-wheel-drive sporty coupe. Described as an «affordable exotic,» this three-door hatchback, clothed in a matte white finish and Chrome wheels adorned with crossflag emblems, exudes an image that is as confident and fast as it is high-end. The Tru 140S, which shares a platform with the Chevrolet Cruze and the Chevrolet Volt, introduces technology typically found in more premium cars, merging the best of combustion and electrification to deliver a blend of value and improved fuel efficiency.

Shared Attributes and Value Proposition

Both concept vehicles, despite their unique appeals, share common features that Chevrolet found resonate with younger buyers. This includes sedan-sized functionality in a performance coupe form, interior connectivity featuring WiFi and smartphone integration through Chevrolet MyLink, heads-up display, and a promise of 40 MPG from a 1.4L Turbo Ecotec engine, delivering approximately 150 horsepower. With a potential production price in the low $20,000s, these features bring high value for the younger demographic.

Interior Design and Personalization

Not to be left behind, the interiors of both concepts emphasize personalization and connectivity, reflecting the younger generation’s demand for vehicles that can become extensions of their digital lives. From integrating personal devices via MyLink and WiFi to a 2D interior design that encourages ongoing conversation, these concept vehicles are designed to be individualized docking stations on wheels.

Final Thoughts

With the unveiling of these concept vehicles, Chevrolet takes an innovative step towards engaging a new generation of buyers. The company is keen to use feedback from this demographic, not just in refining these concepts, but potentially influencing future production models. The Code 130R and TRU 140S show Chevrolet’s willingness to adapt and collaborate with its customers, thereby potentially paving the way for a new era in automotive design and consumer engagement.


В Детройте открывается первое главное автошоу года

В американском городе Детройт, штат Мичиган, в понедельник, 12 января, открывается ежегодное Североамериканское международное автошоу (NAIAS) — один из самых престижных в мире автосалонов. В течение первой недели выставка будет работать только для представителей прессы и специалистов отрасли, а 17 января двери автосалона откроются для широкой публики.

На нынешнем автосалоне, который разместился в выставочном комплексе Кобо-центр, пройдут более 40 мировых и североамериканских премьерных показов как серийных автомобилей, так и концепт-каров. Доминировать среди новинок будут спортивные машины и пользующиеся особой популярностью у американцев пикапы, рассказывает ТАСС.

В числе наиболее ожидаемых премьер — возрожденная Acura NSX от японского концерна Honda. Впервые спорткар был представлен в 1990 году. По задумке «Хонды», машина должна была составить конкуренцию Porsche и Ferrari, однако из-за низких продаж в 2005 году ее производство было свернуто. В 2012 году в Детройте был представлен концепт обновленного NSX, а уже в этом году, как ожидается, начнутся его продажи. Известно, что серийный суперкар будет собираться в США и получит битурбированный двигатель V6 и три дополнительных электромотора.

Американский концерн Ford планирует показать любителям спортивных автомобилей в Детройте сразу несколько новинок. Среди них — преемник гоночного среднемоторного спорткара GT, выпускавшегося с 2003 по 2006 год, и обновленный Mustang GT350R, который, как ожидается, составит серьезную конкуренцию легендарному Chevrolet Camaro от General Motors.

Свои высокопроизводительные автомобили представят в Детройте также итальянская Alfa Romeo, вернувшаяся в прошлом году на американский рынок, Cadillac, Lexus, Infiniti, Mini и другие производители. «Инфинити», в частности, покажет концепт спортивного купе Q60, «Кадиллак» — 640-сильное третье поколение седана CTS-V, а BMW — сразу три варианта шестой серии.

Главным открытием прошлогоднего детройтского автосалона, который проводится в «городе моторов» с 1907 года, стал облегченный пикап Ford F150 с алюминиевым кузовом. В этом году наиболее ожидаемыми новинками в данном сегменте станут автомобили японских производителей, которые не хотят отдавать без боя столь прибыльную нишу традиционной детройтской «тройке» — GM, Ford и Chrysler, который теперь контролируется итальянским концерном Fiat. Так, Nissan собирается представить второе поколение пикапа Titan с дизельным двигателем V-8 и различными конфигурациями кузова, а Toyota покажет обновленный среднеразмерный «грузовик» Tacoma.

Одним из самых ожидаемых дебютов детройтского автошоу в этом году станет второе поколение Chevrolet Volt с гибридным двигателем. Помимо более консервативного экстерьера автомобиль сможет похвастаться большим запасом хода в электрическом режиме. У текущей модели он составляет примерно 64 км.

Кроме того, в СМИ просочилась информация о том, что на нынешнем автосалоне GM представит концепт своего нового электрокара — Chevrolet Bolt, который на одной подзарядке сможет преодолевать 320 км и, как предполагается, составит конкуренцию электромобилям от американской компании Tesla. Предполагается, что в продажу Bolt поступит в 2017 году и будет стоить около 30 тысяч долларов. Свои «экономичные» новинки должны представить также южнокорейская Hyundai и немецкая Mercedes-Benz.

Автосалон в Детройте проходит на фоне продолжающегося восстановления американского автомобильного сектора. В прошлом году в США было продано 16,5 млн автомобилей, что является лучшим показателем с 2006 года. Сам город встретит участников автосалона в более приподнятом настроении, нежели в предыдущие годы: в конце 2014 года Детройт вышел из состояния банкротства, в котором пребывал полтора года.

Накануне некоторые новинки автошоу были показаны в казино MGM Grand Detroit.


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