Ferrari fxx-k 2015



Вообще рассказывать про интерьер подобных машин не имеет смысла, так как они создавались для спортивной езды и в их внутреннем убранстве ничего особо интересного нет.

Начнем по традиции с посадочных мест. Здесь два кожаных ковша, которые имеют просто огромную боковую поддержку и трех точечные ремни безопасности. Как вы понимаете водителю и переднему пассажиру здесь не до комфорта, свободного места не так уж много, так как все должны быть сконцентрированы на дороге.

Рулевая колонка обшита алькантарой, она представляет собой трехспицевый спортивный руль, на котором присутствует также еще карбон и кнопки по управлению различными функциями FXX K. Использование достаточно важных кнопок на руле это так сказать фишка Ferrari, это внедрено практически в каждый автомобиль компании

Панель приборов представляет собой дисплей, на нем может отображаться практически любая информация, но по умолчанию показывается только самое важное, это тахометр, текущая скорость и информация о состоянии мотора

Центральная консоль получила одну небольшую панель, на которой расположены различные кнопки, по управлению автомобилем. По сути на данный консоли больше ничего интересного нет, и не будет. Весь интерьер обшит алькантарой, кое-где применяется кожа, также достаточно много карбона. Все это сделано для того чтобы уменьшить вес автомобиля.

Only A Limited Amount Of This Hypercar Was Made By Ferrari

Via Ferrari

After Ferrari sold a limited amount of 30 FXXs, they cut the production line of this masterpiece. Of those 30 FXXs made, Ferrari sold one of them to Michael Schumacher, the famous F1 champion. Even if you had the fortune to spend $2,000,000 to buy a Ferrari FXX, you couldn’t.

To be able to buy one of these beasts, you had to be specially invited by Ferrari, and that’s not an easy task. Ferrari chooses a few loyal customers every time they produce a brand-new vehicle to sell.

Even if Ferrari invited you to buy an FXX, after selling you one, you couldn’t bring it home and put it in your garage. Ferrari would maintain your car for you and only give it to you on track racing days to race other FXX drivers.

Finally, the Ferrari FXX Evoluzione was one of the dreamiest cars that drivers could think of owning due to its sheer power, beauty, and having the name Ferrari on it. Although Ferrari has made the all-new FXX-K Evo with better technology compared to the 2009 FXX Evoluzione, the FXX Evoluzione was way ahead of its time by packing that much of a punch without using forced induction or electric motors.


Как вы понимаете внешний вид машины очень идентичен с базовой версией, экстерьер практически не отличается. Модель получила такие же фары, но их уменьшили по размеру, для того чтобы улучшить аэродинамику. Передняя часть получила так называемую губу, более массивные воздухотводы и многое другое.

Боковая часть имеет ярко выраженное углубление посередине, и более массивный воздухозаборник, который охлаждает моторный отсек и задние тормоза. В верхней части можно заметить стильно по-спортивному оформленную крышку топливного бака.

Задняя часть машины получила небольшой, обрубленный спойлер. Установлены узкие фонари, присутствует большая решетка для отвода горячего воздуха из моторного отсека, и также бросается в глаза просто огроменный диффузор FXX K. Кстати, спойлер регулируется в зависимости от скорости.

Все эти изменения, установка аэродинамического обвеса и так далее, привело к увеличению габаритов автомобиля, но при этом на 50 % увеличило прижимную силу модели на больших скоростях.

Габариты Феррари:

  • длина – 4896 мм;
  • ширина – 2051 мм;
  • высота – 1116 мм;
  • колесная база – 2650 мм.

Asphalt 7: Heat[]

Shorted to Ferrari FXX Evo, the Ferrari FXX Evoluzione appears as a Tier 7 car. Among one of the most expensive cars available for purchase, it is a prize of Career Cup 13, and costs  2,100,000 to purchase.

The Ferrari FXX Evoluzione has a high top speed and nitro power for Tier 7, fast acceleration, good handling, a moderately sharp drifting radius and good nitro efficiency. It mainly rivals the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport, Ferrari 288 GTO, RUF CTR3, Koenigsegg Agera R and SSC Tuatara.

While the FXX Evoluzione has rapid acceleration (marginally faster than the RUF CTR3 in reaching top speed) and excellent nitro efficiency (only worse than the SSC Tuatara and Koenigsegg Agera R), its overall performance is only good. It cannot compete with the Tier 7 kings, such as the Veyron 16.4 Super Sport, Agera R, CTR3, Tuatara, etc. Compared to other Tier 7 cars, the FXX Evoluzione’s performance bracket is generally non-optimal since it’s significantly lower-ranked in performance than most of the Tier 7 kings, but not low enough to avoid them in Multiplayer matchmaking.

Ferrari FXX Evolution Package и его знаменитый хозяин

Усовершенствованная версия Ф-Икс-Икс была представлена в 2007 году. Данная модель установила новое рекордное время на треке – минута шестнадцать секунд.

Программа тестирования возобновилась и была продлена до 2009 года. В планах компании была постройка двадцати девяти экземпляров модели, но в 2006 году завершил свою гоночную карьеру великий автомобилист Михаэль Шумахер, занимавший первые места в Формуле-1, известный на весь мир гонщик, и руководители концерна приняли решение преподнести ему в знак уважения и признательности за его победы и достижения подарок в виде экземпляра Ф-Икс-Икс.

Отличие данного автомобиля от серийных заключалось в черном антрацитовом корпусе, черных дисках с красной обводкой и вставками, и наличием логотипа Шумахера в кабине автомобилю был присвоен тридцатый номер. Стоимость сего шедевра составляет полтора миллиона евро без учёта налогов, или свыше двух миллионов долларов США.

Приобретаемый пакет включает в себя авто, экипаж, экипировку и некоторые услуги, предлагаемые концерном. Кстати, одна из Ferrari Ф-Икс-Икс принадлежит российскому миллиардеру Роману Абрамовичу.

The Evo Was Much Better And Hardcore Compared To The Regular Ferrari FXX

Via Ferrari

When Ferrari saw how much of a hit the FXX was, they decided to explore it more by redesigning it into the FXX Evoluzione. Besides the changes mentioned earlier, Ferrari made much more subtle changes in building the Evoluzione. One of, if not the most notable change, was the transmission. Ferrari reduced the shifting time in the FXX Evoluzione by 20 milliseconds (from 80 milliseconds to 60 milliseconds). This might not seem like much, but this made the FXX Evoluzione do a 0-60 in 2.4 seconds instead of the original 2.77 by the regular FXX.

Moreover, Ferrari made a revving upgrade to the engine so that the FXX Evoluzione could rev up to 9,500 RPM. 1,000 RPM more than the regular FXX. This was one of the main reasons that the FXX Evoluzione had more of a punch.

By reducing the car’s aerodynamic drag and improving the previous traction control system to make the FXX Evoluzione more responsive around the track, Ferrari seemed to have made the most impressive hypercar in the world.


The Ferrari XX Programmes continued until 2009, with the FXX continuing on to be improved under the Evoluzione kit.

The Evoluzione kit continually adjusts specifics to produce more power, quicker gear changes, and an aerodynamic drag reduction. The 6.3 L (6,262 cc) naturally aspirated V12 engine now produces 848 hp (632 kW) at 9,500 rpm, along with 509 ft·lb (690 N·m). The engine has a compression ratio of 11.6:1 and has 4 valves per cylinder. The resulting power-to-weight ratio is 668 hp per tonne, along with a power-to-displacement ratio of 135 hp (101 kW) per liter.

The FXX Evoluzione, like with the FXX, is a mid-engined car, with power sent to the rear wheels via a six-speed sequential semi-automatic transmission that has traction control systems present. The body is built with carbon fiber over a carbon fiber tub with a rear alloy subframe. The brakes are Brembo CCM discs with 6-piston front calipers and 4-piston rear calipers.

The Ferrari FXX Evoluzione has a theoretical 0 — 60 mph (0 — 97 km/h) acceleration time of 2.5 seconds, as well as a top speed exceeding 249 mph (400 km/h), which could be reached in under 40 seconds. Statistically, this is Ferrari’s fastest car ever released, exceeding the 235 mph (378 km/h) of the Ferrari F50 GT.

Asphalt 8: Airborne[]


The Ferrari FXX Evoluzione appears as a low Class S car with the following statistics:

  • Starting rank: 1510
    • This was changed to 1514 in the 2019 Spring Update.
    • This was changed to 1616 in the ? Update.
  • MAX rank: 1625 (+115)
    • This was changed to 1623 (+109) in the 2019 Spring Update.
    • This was changed to 1661 (+45) in the ? Update.
  • MAX+PRO rank: 1700 (+75)
    • This was changed to 1696 (+73) in the 2019 Spring Update.
    • This was changed to 1697 (+36) in the ? Update.
  • Tuning Kit bonus: +27
    • This was changed to +35 in the ? Update.
    • This was changed to +? in the ? Update.
  • Stock to MAX+PRO rank difference: 190
    • This was changed to 182 in the 2019 Spring Update.
    • This was changed to 81 in the ? Update.
  • Speed Multiplier: 91.46%

    This was removed in the 2019 Holiday Update.

  • Nitro Efficiency: 10/15/20

From the Fifteenth Anniversary Update, to the Neon Season Update the FXX Evoluzione was changed to a low Class A car.

As of the Ninth Anniversary Update, it is now a high Class A car with the following statistics:

  • Starting Rank: 1616
  • MAX Rank: 1698 (+82)
  • MAX+PRO Rank: 1771 (+73)
  • Tuning Kit bonus: +53
  • Nitro Efficiency: 7.5/12/16


The Ferrari FXX Evo is a car that excels at most performance aspects except nitro and acceleration. It has a high top speed stat for its class placement (note that it has a speed modifier) and is one of the most sensitive in regards to handling; it has a very sharp drifting radius that can rival the W Motors Fenyr SuperSport’s radius. However, this is a double-edged sword, as it can easily lead to oversteers and wrecks. The FXX Evoluzione has a small nitro boost coupled with short boost durations, which also affects its acceleration which is nonoptimal at MAX+PRO.

As of the Ninth Anniversary Update, its nitro efficiency and acceleration are both significantly improved.


The FXX Evo qualifies for any Ferrari-only event, although the Ferrari 330 P4, Ferrari 488 Pista and Ferrari FXX K are better choices. In addition, the FXX Evo has its own Elimination event in Season 6 and a Versus event against the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse in Season 8.

It has no use in Time-Limited Events or Multiplayer, but is very good for Career mode as it is cheap on upgrades and can be used in a large number of races.

Additionally, being the only vehicle with a irregular speed-to-rank ratio, as a result of an update that removed the irregular speed-to-rank ratio of the Mercedes-Benz Silver Lightning and the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 GSV, the FXX can be viable in Pro and Champion Gauntlet League, especially if the player cannot afford faster alternatives. The FXX is only useful as a support vehicle; its poor nitro efficiency and acceleration makes it unsuited for an ‘accelerator’ role. As the FXX has an abnormally fast pure and total speeds and has a great drifting radius for its rank, but has poor acceleration and nitro efficiency, the FXX is only ideal for technical sections that involve much drifting or high-speed sections with ample nitro supplies, and may not even be a good support vehicle depending on the user’s ‘home’ circuit even if the player only has slower vehicles than it.


The Ferrari FXX Evoluzione costs  1,000,000 to purchase as of the Fifteenth Anniversary Update. The FXX Evoluzione had an original buying price of  115,000 that was increased to  200,000 after being priced at  190,000.

As of the Gangstar Season Update, upgrades require 55 of each Epic Tires, Epic Suspension, Epic Drivetrain, and Epic Exhaust, 60 Epic Tech, 60 Epic Engine, 160 Ferrari FXX Evoluzione Kit and  8,800,000.

Технические характеристики Ferrari FXX

Данный заднеприводный среднемоторный гоночный автомобиль Ferrari fxx  имеет две двери и два сидения в салоне. На нём установлен мощнейший на то время 6,3- литровый двигатель V12 с шестискоростной трансмиссией и секвентальной коробкой передач и мощностью в 789 лошадиных сил при 8500 оборотах в минуту.

Габариты кузова из углеродного волокна следующие: длина автомобиля составляет 470,2 сантиметра, ширина – 203,5 см, высота – 114,7 см, а масса равняется 1155 килограммам.

Тормозная система изготовлена фирмой Брембо из особого материала – смеси карбона и керамики. Максимальная скорость исчисляется цифрой в 340 километров в час, до сотни авто разгоняется всего за 2,5 секунды.

Ferrari Formula 1 Cars

Scuderia Ferrari S.p.A. is the oldest, most recognizable and famous Formula One team. The team was founded by Enzo Ferrari, initially to race cars produced by Alfa Romeo, though by 1947 Ferrari had begun building its own cars. The results are staggering, with Ferrari having won a record 16 Constructors’ Championships and 15 Driver’s Championships. Over 200 victories and almost 800 pole positions tell only part of the story of this team. While drivers like Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel get all the attention, we want to focus on the cars, the Ferrari Formula One machines that made it all possible.

The Ferrari FXX Evoluzione Comes With A Mind-Blowing V12 Powertrain

Via Ferrari

When it comes to horsepower, it was all that Ferrari had in mind while designing the FXX Evoluzione. This hypercar came with a 6.3L naturally-aspirated V12 making 848 horsepower at 9,500 RPM and 506 lb-ft of torque at 5,750 RPM that sent the power to the rear wheels. This Engine could produce 59 more horsepower than the regular FXX. What blows any gearhead’s mind is how Ferrari made a naturally-aspirated engine with 848 horsepower that could rev up to 9,500 RPM.

With this much power, the FXX Evoluzione could do 0-60 in just 2.4 seconds because of its six-speed F1-automated manual. The steering wheel had power assistance, and the drivetrain came with a traction control system to help drivers handle the 848 horsepower more easily.

The FXX Evoluzione was also featured on an episode of the popular car show, Top Gear. With Michael Schumacher behind the wheel, the FXX completed a flying lap around the Dunsfold Aerodrome, setting a new record of 1:10.7, beating the previous record-holder, the Gumpert Apollo, by 6.6 seconds.

On top of being an outstandingly quick and robust hypercar, Ferrari made sure that this monster of a car looks just as eye-catching as it is powerful. With butterfly doors, modern-looking headlights, and a body almost resembling the Ferrari Enzo, the FXX Evoluzione looked stunning.

Мощнейший трековый гиперкар Ferrari FXX K

Приняв во внимание необходимость развития модели Ferrari FXX как весьма перспективной в плане гоночных состязаний, руководство компании приняло решение о разработке более мощной, усиленной и переработанной, версии данного суперкара. В итоге вышло мощнейшее «чудовище» мирового автопрома – специальный трековый гиперкар, оснащённый двумя двигателями

Ознакомимся с ним подробнее

Один из двигателей – атмосферный агрегат V12 с мощностью в 860 лошадиных сил, а второй – электромотор мощностью 190 лошадок. Аббревиатура «К» в названии обозначает термин «KERS» что, в свою очередь, подразумевает наличие в автомобиле системы рекуперации кинетической энергии, которая до нынешнего момента применялась только в особых болидах Ferrari, участвующих в гонке Формула-1.

Были усовершенствованы многие элементы, составляющие и характеристики автомобиля, в том числе и аэродинамические показатели. При вхождении в режим малого лобового встречного сопротивления некоторые новые элементы увеличивают на пятьдесят процентов прижимную силу, и на тридцать процентов уменьшают лобовое сопротивление.

Также можно упомянуть о ещё одном новшестве – специальном регуляторе на рулевом колесе с пятью позициями переключения, который предназначен для регулировки функционирования электронного дифференциала, антипробуксовочной системы нового поколения Ф1 Трэк и комплекса новейшего образца АБС с высокими показателями производительности. Колёсная база также радует глаз – на Ф-Икс-Икс-Ка установлены специальные гоночные шины фирмы Пирелли и несколько датчиков, следящих за изменениями всех видов ускорений: продольного, поперечного и центробежного.

Насчет количества выпущенных экземпляров гиперкара можно сказать, что в планах концерна было произвести и продать максимум тридцать автомобилей данной модели и продать их на закрытом аукционе специальным, «избранным», клиентам Ferrari.

Ценовые показатели соответственно на уровне – авто стоит свыше трёх миллионов долларов.

Ferrari XX Race Cars

In this section we focus on Ferrari’s FXX programs as well as special edition track-only cars. The Ferrari FXX is a high-performance track-only developmental program where Ferrari takes street-legal flagship models and turns them into track cars. It is a more bit complicated though. Customers pay a few million dollars but are only allowed to drive the car on special track days which are approved by Ferrari. he FXX may be stored by owners wherever they please. The caveat behind the FXX is only that Ferrari technicians must look over the car before the car hits the track in any event or private testing session. The owners of the FXX also participate in Ferrari’s testing and brand development programs. The purpose of this particular program is to offer Ferrari’s most privileged customers the opportunity to – along with owning the car – participate in up to track test days. This was done while a team of Ferrari employees provided track-side support, a pit crew, and engineers tasked with mining data during each session for research and development purposes.

Every Ferrari Race Car Ever Made

Enzo Ferrari wanted to race. He had no interest in the idea of producing road cars. When he initially started Ferrari it was built to prepare, and successfully race, various drivers in Alfa Romeo. That was until 1938, when he was hired by Alfa Romeo to head their motor racing department. In 1929, Enzo Ferrari left Alfa Romeo’s employment to start his own racing stable (scuderia in Italian). Scuderia Ferrari did not race cars with the Ferrari name, though the Alfas they used on the track did sport the prancing horse. Race cars came to the Scuderia from Alfa for tuning for almost a decade, and the Ferrari shop in Modena built its first car, the Alfa Romeo 158 Grand Prix racer, in 1937. In 1938, Alfa took its racing program in-house, and Enzo Ferrari went with it. After 10 years on his own, though, working for someone else proved difficult. He left Alfa (or was dismissed) for the last time in 1939.

When Enzo Ferrari left Alfa Romeo, he agreed to not use his name in connection with racing for four years. That wasn’t so bad; WWII curtailed racing for most of those four years anyway. Ferrari moved from Modena to Maranello during the war. In 1945, Ferrari began work on the 12-cylinder engine the company would be famous for, and in 1947, Enzo Ferrari drove the first 125 S out of the factory gates. Post-war racing was Ferrari’s finest hour on the track. During the 1950s, Ferrari had legendary engineers like Lampredi and Jano on the payroll, and bodies designed by the legendary Pinin Farina. Every time a race car was improved, the road car was the beneficiary. In 1951, a Ferrari 375 brought the team its first victory — over Alfa Romeo, no less. The ’60s started out pretty good for Ferrari: Phil Hill won the Formula 1 championship in 1961 using a 1.5-liter V6 race car nicknamed «Dino.» It was the era of the sexy, swooping 250 Testa Rossa. But things got rough for the Prancing Horse, like when Carroll Shelby brought his Cobra to European race tracks. In the 1990s things looked good for Ferrari in Formula One. The hot-blooded Ferrari cars met their match in the cool German driving of Michael Schumacher, who raced Ferraris to seven F1 championships between 1994 and 2004.

You can see that Ferrari is passionate about racing like no other team on the planet. This page is dedicated to those race cars, to the Formula One, GT and Sports Prototypes that are the true Ferrari cars that made the company successful. We spent months putting this list together, so we hope you enjoy it.


Так же как и предшественник, который был сделан из модели Enzo, он будет храниться в музее в Maranello. На нем не будут ездить обычные люди, кроме тех, которые купили данную модель. Версия завода будет использоваться только для различных гонок и подобных мероприятий. Данная машина на момент выпуска стоила минимум 2 500 000 €, а как мы уже говорили все 40 экземпляров, были проданы практически сразу.

Это отличный новый гиперкар, который будет флагманом в линейке компании, а также будет так сказать визитной карточкой данного бренда. Производителю удалось сделать Ferrari FXX K значительно мощнее предшественника и значительно мощнее и быстрее гражданской версии в виде ЛаФеррари.

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